The departures terminal at the Tel Aviv airport

Filmmaking Essentials: The Fixer Upper, Part II

When last we met…
The idea of engaging in the services of a fixer immediately conjures up images of dark alleys, shady men in overcoats and whispers of “Psst, hey buddy.” Or at least, what for me is the definitive shady character of my youth:

It all seams a little on the seamy side. I mean, what, after all, is so tricky for a filmmaker that it requires a professional to grease wheels, palms and anything else that is on first inspection, more than a little squeaky?
Turns out, there are Continue reading “Filmmaking Essentials: The Fixer Upper, Part II”

Entering Israel

Filmmaking Essentials: The Fixer Upper, Part 1

So many filmmaking essentials have to do with what it takes to make a shoot go smoothly. I want to talk to you about how much better your filming experience can be when you work with locals, and a fixer is basically a local on steroids.

Fixers are filming essentials when shooting overseas
You aren’t required to have a fixer when you work on a film in Israel… but it helps

I’ve just returned from filming the Yellow segment of The Palette Project (which I encourage you to follow or even help crowdfund here), and do I have stories to share. Stories of woe involving bitter olives, recommendations on the best way to see Jerusalem on a Saturday when everything is shut down for the day in observance of the Jewish Sabbath, and of course, the reason for the trip itself – the exploration of the yellow sands of the desert.

However, I want to start this story with the bookends of the trip, because I truly don’t know how I, as a professional filmmaker, would have gotten out of Israel as seamlessly as I did without the services of a fixer. Yes, I had filming essentials like a FlexFill bounce board and every possible kind of adapter for everything from computers to my Lowel kit, but as far as personnel filmmaking essentials go, this was the biggie.

I live in that strange middle world of filmmaking. It’s a world where I don’t travel with a large crew (or sometimes any crew at all), but I definitely don’t pass as a tourist. For this leg of production, I met my photographer, a BBC pro who knows the lay of the land, on the ground in Jerusalem (a side note: it’s not really fair to be in a position to share war stories from production travails when one of you has actual war stories, but I’m getting ahead of myself). Rather than rent gear from one of the local production houses (this may not have been one of my wisest decisions), I had decided to travel solo with my gear from the United States to Tel Aviv. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I’m going to write more about the pros and cons of traveling with gear versus renting it in a future post. The nuts and bolts of the decision, though – handing off my own equipment to a photographer shooting with me wearing my director’s hat seemed to be the best option. My gear is already cleared by the BBC for use on broadcast shoots, so I knew he would know how to us it, and if anything went wrong with it, I would know how to troubleshoot. By the way, working with gear you know backwards and forwards seems to be another filming essential.

I sure seem to be using the word “seem” a lot, aren’t I?

Let me say that the workflow for traveling with production gear in the United States just goes out the window when traveling overseas. Traveling overseas when the final destination is Israel changes everything yet again, and since we’re talking about fixers, let me tell you something I learned from my fixer… something that I think will come to haunt me later because I didn’t learn it until later. My fixer advises film crews entering Israel to ask for their passports not to be stamped, but rather to have a removable entry visa inserted into the pages which can be removed later. The reason for this is that having an Israeli passport stamp can cause real problems in other Middle East countries that do not yet recognize Israel’s right to exist. That means I now expect to have problems in the future for any shoots in places like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, etc.

Security is a filming essential

Fixers help you navigate tricky security situations. Israel is a country that is, to put it mildly, a little ootsy when it comes to security, and with good reason. When I asked my photog what the conditions were likely to be on the ground in Jerusalem from a safety perspective, his exact response was “mostly cloudy with a slight chance of terror.”

OK, then.

So yes, when it came to my equipment, I had all the filmmaking essentials, everything from polarizing filters to a backup hardwired microphone to pocket white balance cards and other assorted gewgaws. What I didn’t have yet was a fixer. This flaw in the planning became apparent almost immediately.

My arrival in Israel was more than a bit marred by the loss of one of my crucial pieces of checked baggage. The piece in question had all my clothes and my stripped down lighting kit. You see, in the name of getting both my cameras into my carry on bags, I violated my own cardinal rule – one of the critical rules – of traveling for business or pleasure – to have one change of clothes with you. It of course stands to reason that this would be the flight where my baggage with the clothes would be lost.

To cut to the chase on this segment of the story, the bag was eventually found. I harbor a suspicion that the reason for the delay  in arrival was that security, on first glance at this particular piece, had no idea what to make of a piece of conventional luggage with t-shirts, hiking boots and a polycarbonite case with pro lighting and thick cabling inside, not to mention various production doodads and wingdings. One of the reasons you work with a fixer is because they know people, including airpot people. Since I have a strong suspicion that airport security at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Yafo airport wanted to go over every inch of my baggage at their leisure, a fixer who knows these people helps speed the process up by vouching for you.It was certainly obvious by the time I got my piece back the next day that everything inside had been searched and rearranged. Hell, I was just glad to have clean underwear.

But entering the country was nothing, nothing, compared to leaving it a week later.

Fixers are filming essentials when it comes to personnel for a desert shoot
I was in the desert, but having fixer kept me from being deserted

Three hours before the flight, my photog and I were celebrating a successful shoot, as well as the fact that the major crisis of the week, a misplaced hard drive with crucial footage that hadn’t been backed up yet, had been found in the boot of the car next to the spare tire well (and yes, I’m calling the trunk a boot. My theory is to use local terms when writing about foreign places. Rest assured that when I write about the U.S. based segments of the film, we’ll be back to trunks, elevators and flashlights instead of boots, lifts and torches). Heart attack successfully avoided.

“So,” he said, as we enjoyed our Tubol beers and a whipped fish something. “What’s your plan for getting to the plane?”

This had come up a few times over the week, and my own plans… that I was just going to go through security after arriving via a shared taxi service… would be fine.

“Are you sure about that?” my photog said.

Let me just say at this point that after a week of shooting with a photographer who knows exactly what to do and, more importantly, where to go when the sirens go off in a war zone regardless of what his reporter is doing, a photog who has his own flak jacket, I realized this is code for ‘You have no idea what you’re about to encounter.”

“Well, what do you suggest?” I said.

“You have a carnet, right?”

I did. This is a filming essential I’ve written about before, and I’ve talked about the value of a carnet for filmmakers traveling internationally, and the headaches this invaluable document can prevent, but this is just the first step when it comes to getting out of Israel.

“Do you know where to go to get your carnet stamped before passport control, security, check-in…” he started, and added a whole mess of other steps that only led me to the inevitable conclusion that once again, I really didn’t have the crucial piece of safety equipment I needed… a clue.

“I thought I just went to customs at the same place I went to when I landed,” I said, my brow starting to furrow in a way that any producer who has ever worked with me would recognize as my tell that I was bluffing my way through a crisis. This is why I don’t compete in the World Series of Poker.

‘Welllll…” he said, “drawing it out quite a while, “You might, but it might not be. It might not be on the grounds where you get let off from the shared taxi. And even if it is, security will never let you go from the departures concourse to the arrivals concourse with all your gear.”

“Wellll…”I said, also drawing the word out, “What do I do?”

“You need that fixer.”

I caved. Remember that up to this point, it never occurred to me that there were troubles I couldn’t fix on my own in a westernized country. I had heard tales of such folk, but not in Israel. Fixers are… well, they’re people who fix things. Journalists hire them in places like Iraq and the Russian Federation. Israel is, by and large, a westernized country, and my benchmarks for such things was always roughly as follows, “if a hipster from Brooklyn can get in and out, you don’t need a fixer.

I needed a fixer. Boy howdy, did I need a fixer.

Next up, what a fixer fixes for you when you’re a pro on the go.

Counterintuitive Travel Tips

Counterintuitive Travel Tips

Counterintuitive travel tips can save your trip.

I love travel advice that goes against conventional wisdom. Going against the grain is, after all, part and parcel of the travel gig… At least, it is if you’re doing it right. Yes, see the sights that are the hallmark of a city or region, but if you’re not making room for the unknown or the counterintuitive, what’s the point of leaving home?

Counterintuitive Travel tips
Check these tips before you jet off to your next adventure

I call this the RendezvousSyndrome, and it comes from the time when I worked in Memphis. Everyone visiting Continue reading “Counterintuitive Travel Tips”

Essential travel tips
Essential travel tips

5 Essential Travel Tips I Learned From A Blind Guy

I take my essential travel tips wherever I find them. I just finished reading one of the most fascinating travel biographies I have ever had the good fortune to come across. While planning my next trip as part of my documentary, a friend of mine recommended a book he described as essential reading. The book is A Sense of the World, by Jason Roberts, and I can now wholeheartedly recommend it to other travelers as well.

Essential travel tips
Take your essential travel tips wherever you find them as you traverse the world

I will warn you that this book has absolutely no information about the minutia of 21st century travel., but what can you expect when the subject of the book is a man who was born in 1786? James Holman is one of the world’s great travelers, though, and the fact there was no online booking system, no frequent flier program… hell, there wasn’t even a telegraph network when Holman first set out on his circumnavigation of the world… it hardly makes his essential travel tips any less essential, and should not dissuade you from absorbing this book into your travel planning. At the very least, make a few spare inches for it in your pack, or clear out a few megabytes on your Kindle and read it in your downtime.

You should also not let the fact that Holman was completely blind get in your way. After all, he didn’t.

If you are under any preconceptions that a blind traveler, a blind solo travelers has to be a joke, a myth or at the very least an exaggeration, the book goesto great lengths to document the fact that this was a man who not only broke down barriers, he broke them first. Holman accomplished feats as a traveler that were not duplicated by fully sighted expats until years afterward. We have to remember that in the mid nineteenth century, when Holman, blinded by what we would now call uveitis, his life had largely been considered over. His career as a naval leftenant in the Royal Navy had been cut short by the onset of his blindness, as well as almost crippling rheumatism.. This was a different era, to say the least. If we think it’s difficult to be blind today, it was remarkably difficult then. Braille had not yet been devised as a means of writing or reading. Blindness itself was still considered by many people a punishment from God for sins known and unknown. Even the invention of the long white cane did not happen until years after Holman’s death.

However, Holman had another disease that is familiar to many of us today, and I’m of course referring to the travel bug. Over the course of his life, Holman traveled unassisted, to more than 400 destinations around the world. He traveled alone through China, West Africa and Siberia, not knowing the languages of most of the regions he traveled through and having no access to anything resembling mass transit, let alone speedy travel, he was a best selling author who rode horses, navigated the jungles of  South America and once steered a sinking ship to shore.

Are there essential travel tips to learn from James Holman? Quite a bit, and the lessons apply to travelers of any age.

Essential travel tips from a blind traveler

1. Don’t let money stand in your way

This is one of those essential travel tips that should be timeless. Isn’t this the number one reason armchair travelers never leave the armchair? We want to travel in just the right way. We create meticulous budgets. We  calculate airfare and hotel room costs, exchange rates and shopping sprees. I would urge you to consider the fact James Holman’s annual salary was 84 British pounds per year. That’s roughly $12,000 a year in today’s U.S. dollars, not even what you would make with a minimum wage job. Holman, quite simply, did not have a lot of money.  What he had was an urge to travel the world

2. Figure it out as you go

Another problem that didn’t seem to bother the Blind Traveler, as Holman even called himself (it’s on his gravestone, so I’m pretty sure he was ok with it), was the details of the itinerary. I was surprised to read that when Holman set out for Russia and the Siberian interior, with the intent of crossing over to Mongolia and then China en route to the upper reaches of North America, he had no idea exactly how, or even if, he would get across the border. Balancing itinerary with random inspiration – it’s one of those essential travel tips that should always be on your mind.

Do yourself a favor – do your best to make sure you get started, and use a pencil instead of a pen for your plans. I’m not saying buying a one-way ticket or traveling without a map is always the best idea, but you don’t get a river named after you (as Holman did) by planning it in advance. Just sayin’…

3. Don’t be afraid of travel failure

That first circumnavigation attempt via Siberia? Kaput. Holman was forced by the Tsar himself to turn back. Tsar Alexander even sent one of his personal emissaries to fetch Holman and all but drag him back across Russia’s western border, thanks to efforts to conceal military activity near the eastern border in Kamchatka into what is now Alaska.  Holman’s response? In a slightly more modern vernacular, he picked himself up, dusted himself off… and figured out another way.

I’ve found over the years that the best travel stories don’t happen when everything goes right. Deadheading it across New Zealand in a driving rainstorm to catch the last ferry to the South Island all because we had to find out why central New Zealand farmers put up competing signs to sell you quality… excuse the earthiness here… pony poo? Worth it. Finding yourself in a backwoods hotel room with flickering electricity during an unexpected blizzard after you realize you left your snow chains in Astoria? It happens. Taking a bunk in a crowded Flagstaff hostel because it’s the only place with a mattress after you stroll into town late one January nigh? Well, you just might meet an Ingrid Bergman lookalike in the communal kitchen. And that’s as far as I’m going with that story, thank you very much.

4. Notice everything

I completely trust a blind guy for this advice. Holman missed every sunset, had to have every painting described to him and never read a foreign newspaper. I venture to say, though, he breathed in everything the world has to offer regardless. I wager it’s not that the other senses took over as much as he paid attention to them that much more. Holman’s books and notes are filled with references to descriptive passages of experiences so vivid, you’l be forgiven if you think they must have been experienced by someone else. How he learned to do this is something I want you to experience for yourself through reading the book.

5. Don’t let anyone say you can’t

Of all the essential travel tips that apply to the spirit of adventure, this is the biggie. It saddens me that the one consistency in Holman’s life, and it’s one of the few similarities between Holman’s time and our own, was a steady stream of people who told him he could not, should not, must not attempt his travels. however, I find it even more encouraging that there were a great many of his friends, colleagues and admirers who essentially said, “why not?” I think this is the one truism of any age, whether it’s the 19th or the 21st century. The people who say you can’t are usually the same people who say they wouldn’t. We travelers are the ones who say that we’re going to get up and get out.

Two weeks before writing this post, I had no idea who James Holma was. Today, he’s one of my great inspirations.

I invite you to read the book about Holman’s travels, and also to check out my web series to find out why I’m so inspired by Holman’s example.

Road Trip Soundtrack solutions: Keeping The Whole Car Happy

Creating a road trip soundtrack that makes everyone in the car happy must seem like the fool’s gold of the road trip treasure hunt. I’m here to tell you how I found the measure map. As Edgar Allen Poe might have did, it was hidden in plain sight.

Creating a road trip soundtrack
If you’re going to hit the road, creating a road trip soundtrack is the extra ingredient that makes the experience even better.

The Great American Road Trip is part myth, part tradition, part legend. Woven into the fabric of our nation the road trip serves a multitude of purposes and can be inspired by any number of events. It can be as simple as a family vacation or Continue reading “Road Trip Soundtrack solutions: Keeping The Whole Car Happy”