Counterintuitive Travel Tips

Counterintuitive Travel Tips

Counterintuitive travel tips can save your trip.

I love travel advice that goes against conventional wisdom. Going against the grain is, after all, part and parcel of the travel gig… At least, it is if you’re doing it right. Yes, see the sights that are the hallmark of a city or region, but if you’re not making room for the unknown or the counterintuitive, what’s the point of leaving home?

Counterintuitive Travel tips
Check these tips before you jet off to your next adventure

I call this the RendezvousSyndrome, and it comes from the time when I worked in Memphis. Everyone visiting Continue reading “Counterintuitive Travel Tips”

using credit cards when traveling

Vegan Hamburgers and Grape Nuts (oh, and using credit cards overseas)

Using credit cards overseas. You almost certainly will, but how you use credit cards overseas is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Traveling can be very counterintuitive. Habits and behaviors that work perfectly well in everyday life don’t always work when you’re on the road, especially if that road is not in your native country. At the very top of the list is how you should be using credit cards overseas, and how you should balance the use of your credit cards when traveling. I’ve written about using cash and using debit cards overseas, so it’s time to complete the trilogy by talking about using credit cards overseas.

using credit cards overseas
There are precautions you should take while using credit cards overseas, but it may be a good option for you

I want to start with the following assumption, which is a biggie, but it has to be the starting point. I’m assuming you have good credit, are not already maxed out or even close to it, and that you’re not further putting Continue reading “Vegan Hamburgers and Grape Nuts (oh, and using credit cards overseas)”

The Debit Card Decision

Dealing with Debit Cards When Traveling Overseas

Using debit cards when traveling overseas is not always the best option. In fact, I would go so far as to say using debit cards when traveling overseas is never the best option. While ATM’s are usually within hailing distance no matter where you are, there are plenty of factors you should take into account before using them to get cash, and you should definitely be wary about using them for purchases.

Using debit cards when traveling overseas
Using debit cards when traveling overseas might not be your best option

While shooting on location this spring in Australia and New Zealand, we seriously considered not taking Continue reading “Dealing with Debit Cards When Traveling Overseas”

RFID Sleeve

Keeping Your Private Travel Materials Private

There are three ways to look at the mindset of a reporter. It’s either the life of a professional pessimist, a cynic for hire or… and this is the way I chose to look at it, the continuing adventures of a Boy Scout. Don’t get me wrong, while I was in fact a Boy Scout – kerchief, socks, merit badges and all – I’m of course referring to the motto of being prepared.

You can be working on the most harmless story about how to avoid buying a Christmas tree worthy of a Charlie Brown holiday special, and that will be the day the Colorado branch of the DEA has the raw nerve to raid a secret marijuana farm east of Pueblo (granted, not a major priority today, but in 1998…), so you have to be prepared to Continue reading “Keeping Your Private Travel Materials Private”