Renewing a passport after its already expired, or renewing a passport on an expedited basis, is something I have an unfortunate amount of experience with.

I would like to think of myself as a a very organized traveler. I would also like to think that blueberry Pop Tarts are a health food. However, as I found myself preparing for a production shoot in Australia and New Zealand as part of The Palette Project, I realized at the last minute, or very close to it, that my passport was not expiring in 2017, as I had thought, but had already expired a few months back. At that point, figuring out how to renew a passport as quickly as possible moved tot he from of the line on my to-do list.
Well, shame on me.
Thankfully, renewing passport is not difficult, even on an expedited basis. Yes I found myself having to deal with the twin troubles of Continue reading “Renewing A Passport: How To Renew An Expired Passport Fast”