Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns

Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Keys: Creating Buzz

Successful crowdfunding campaign keys and crowdfunding strategies
A successful crowdfunding campaign depends on Specific crowdfunding strategies and steps you take well before the campaign itself launches

In an earlier post on creating a successful crowdfunding campaign, I wrote about the differences between some of the major crowdfunding platforms, and what we as filmmakers should keep in mind when choosing which site may be the best crowdfunding platform to use. I wrote about Kickstarter as the main example of a platform that relies on the all or nothing approach, Indiegogo as a platform that opens the door to what is often called the flexible funding model (where you as a filmmaker get to keep whatever you raise, regardless of whether or not you reach your funding goal) and Tubestart, a smaller startup that offers both of these options as well as a recurring payments option. as well as an interesting “pledge” model which allows backers to opt for a system that charges them each time new content appears on your YouTube channel. As we dig deeper into the weeds, though, there is a much bigger issue for anyone who is choosing to incorporate crowdfunding into their strategy, because choosing a platform is hardly a guarantee of success. It doesn’t even get you to Continue reading “Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Keys: Creating Buzz”

Crowdfunding For Filmmakers

Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Three’s A Crowd

Crowdfunding for filmmakers
A lot of crowdfunding sites want your campaign. Keep that in mind and choose wisely

Crowdfunding for filmmakers? It reminds me of something I heard once. Nobody drives in New York. There’s too much traffic.

Is there any better way to describe the built in conflict when it comes to crowdfunding in general, and Kickstarter in particular? The only reason not to engage in crowdfunding for filmmakers is that everyone is doing it. I recently saw a crowdfunding blog post about how this sourcing model can work in the real estate market. Oversaturation anyone?
However, the lure of quick funding by Continue reading “Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Three’s A Crowd”

Notes From A TED Talk, Part II

I’m so happy to be able to post some of the videos from the 2015 TEDx New Bedford “unbound” conference. I was invited to speak at the event, and it was an unbelievable experience to share the stage with some truly extraordinary men and women.

The work that goes into living up to the expectations of a TED conference organizing committee is pretty daunting. They make it very clear, for example, that Continue reading “Notes From A TED Talk, Part II”

Otis Horne
On the Cook Strait

A Vote For Accomplishment and Achievement

Otis Horne
Ability and accomplishment? Absolutely!

I want to tell you about one of the people I met while filming the Blue leg of The Palette Project. Otis Horne has Spina Bifida and has been in a wheelchair for most of his life. What I like most about Otis, though, is that this is the least interesting fact about him.

Otis began sailing when he was 12 years old, and his passion is solo sailing. Sailing as part of a fleet of four solo sailors, he successfully completed an 11 hour crossing of the cook Strait, one of the most dangerous bodies of water in the world. the Cook Strait separates the north and south islands of New Zealand, and is routinely buffeted by winds of forty knots and swells that often stop ferries from crossing.

When I met Otis earlier this year, I was so moved by his simple, one word explanation to the question, “why are you taking these chances and trying to make this journey?” His answer… “freedom.” It was instantaneous and heartfelt, and it’s what The Palette Project is all about. Otis is heading to college soon, and he wants to earn a degree that will help him bring the benefits of sport to men, women and children facing physical and cognitive challenges in their lives.

Otis is in the red boat, holding his own and doing what he loves.
Otis is in the red boat, holding his own and doing what he loves.

I’d like you to join me in voting for Otis’ nomination for the Attitude Alive “Courage in Sport” award. He is such a fine example of what ability and accomplishment are all about, and your vote can help put him over the top.

Update: February 2016

I’m so happy to report that Otis won the voting for this achievement award!. A big thank you to everyone who participated.


Notes From a TED Talk, Part I

Notes from a TED talk at TEDx New Bedford
This e theme of the TEDx conference where I was so honored to be invited to speak.

I was recently invited to give a TED talk at the TEDx Unbound conference. the only word to describe it is “humbling,” followed quickly by tintimidating.

I used to belong to one of those online dating sites. For the sake of anonymity, let’s call it SchmOK Cupid. As dating sites go, it was fairly run of the mill, with a combination of both required and optional essays and questionnaires that would supposedly, the more you answered, find your perfect match.

The question that comes to mind at the moment is the one that posed the following scenario: would you prefer to compete against someone who is a) less skilled then you, b) equally as skilled as you or c) more skilled than you. Like most questions of this nature, there is “correct” answer that you are expected to choose, at least if you want to be seen as good boyfriend/girlfriend material. In a culture in which “work hard/play hard” seems perfectly normal,the “correct” answer, especially in the hyper-competitive world that is the Bay Area, is “c.” For me, I thought that you could at least make a good case for “b.” Two people with equal training and equal skills, but only one person can win. What does it say about the person who emerges victorious? I think this is just as valid a gauge of ability and accomplishment as the equal need to test and improve your abilities against a competitor better than you.

However, going to Massachusetts last week to deliver a TED talk was very much a jump off the high dive into the world of option “c.”

I’m not quite sure why I decided that the first time I would ever attempt to give a public speech would be in the alpha world of TED talks. I mean, you don’t play in the Super Bowl if you haven’t even tried Pop Warner. Still, when I was encouraged to apply for a speaking slot at the conference in New Bedford, it didn’t even occur to me to say no. The magnitude of the task became more clear, and more daunting, when I was actually accepted. Wait, wait,.. wait a minute, I thought. Stephen Hawking, Al Gore, Nelson Mandela… Michael Schwartz. I had voluntarily entered myself in a real-life version of Sesame Street’s “one of these things is not like the other.” I mean, my friend Katie… the youngest woman to row solo across the Atlantic. That’s a great TED talk. Me? I’m just some knucklehead using every last rod and cone my eyes have in the vault to keep going as a filmmaker, a prospect whose endgame is still a bit murky.

What, exactly, was I thinking?

These past several months have been a bit of a high wire act, with adrenaline doing its job at pushing me over the finish line. I have to tell you, TED is the gold standard of professionalism when it comes to public speaking with a purpose. I learned more about how to speak to people in a way that moves the needle emotionally than I would  have ever thought possible. I don’t think I’m giving away any TED secrets here when I mention the basic ground rules of a TED talk:

When you walk onstage, you start talking. No “thank you for coming,” “thank you for having me,” or “so glad to be here in front of this distinguished group.” TED and I seem to think alike on this one. Don’t bury the lead.

No bullet points. PowerPoint is often an essential part of a TED talk, but it’s not about the words. They want you to use pictures to tell or enhance your story. As a visual storyteller, this is my wheelhouse.

No gobbledegook or technobabble… no matter how complex the subject matter. Figure out a way to speak about your area of expertise conversationally. Note that this does not mean “dumb it down.” I like how TED organizers assume the audience is very smart and very receptive.

Those are the golden rules. They also discourage you from bringing notes or cards with you onstage. For me, this was going to be a snap, what with the visual impairment and all. Yes, I could have had some Braille notes on 3×5 cards, but I decided to take the Pepsi challenge and give the speech without notes, something I haven’t done since high school debate tournaments. I went with the pneumonic approach, or at least a version of it. First letter of each section or point in the speech turned into a word. Just so you know, my pneumonic was POST-CPA but going through what those letters stand for just would not make sense to anyone  but me.

The intimidating part about a TED talk is the part where you start scrolling through the biographies of everyone else at the conference. World renowned physicians and researchers. Nationally known artists. Media stars and nonprofit visionaries. Leaders all.

But in the end, what I found was that these weren’t just overachievers and symbols of accomplishment. They were just good decent people who have a good decent story to tell. As the day of the conference continued, I found myself hanging out in the wings instead of downstairs in the green room, catching every speech i could, because these good, decent people were as nervous as I was, but also determined to tell a good story. That’s really why they were there, and it’s wwhy I was there. I think I have a good story to tell. I’ve used this phrase so often I can reel it off subconsciously: question perceptions, raise expectations, make a difference. That doesn’t mean it’s lost meaning for me. It’s why I get up in the morning. what was so enlivening was that here were almost two dozen other people who have the same message. They deliver it in different ways, through the prism of their own experience, but there it is. And if I couldn’t stand with these fine men and women in support of that message… if I chose “b” instead of “c,” then I shouldn’t be competing at all.

TED gave me a voice, and for that I’m so grateful.