Crowdfunding for Filmmakers

Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Is Patreon The Answer?

Crowdfunding for filmmakers. It’s a crowded space, and in the continuing quest for the best crowdfundign site for filmmakers, I can now report that I’ve landed on Patreon. Although I’m still early on in the process of evaluating how Patreon will fit in when it comes to my long term strategy, I want to tell you why I can give a tentative thumbs up to this site. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to crowdfunding for filmmakers who have numerous funding strategies working for them, it’s a good idea to choose Patreon.

Crowdfunding for filmmakers
I wasn’t thinking about crowdfunding for filmmakers while filmmaking in a crowd, but the two go hand in hand. Click the picture to see the results of the crowdfunding efforts.

Patreon bills itself as the world’s fastest growing crowdfunding site for creative artists and who are also creative professionals. As one of those creative types, I can tell you the site passes the smell test. It handles professionals’ needs in an efficient Continue reading “Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Is Patreon The Answer?”

Successful Crowdfunding Campaigns

Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Keys: Creating Buzz

Successful crowdfunding campaign keys and crowdfunding strategies
A successful crowdfunding campaign depends on Specific crowdfunding strategies and steps you take well before the campaign itself launches

In an earlier post on creating a successful crowdfunding campaign, I wrote about the differences between some of the major crowdfunding platforms, and what we as filmmakers should keep in mind when choosing which site may be the best crowdfunding platform to use. I wrote about Kickstarter as the main example of a platform that relies on the all or nothing approach, Indiegogo as a platform that opens the door to what is often called the flexible funding model (where you as a filmmaker get to keep whatever you raise, regardless of whether or not you reach your funding goal) and Tubestart, a smaller startup that offers both of these options as well as a recurring payments option. as well as an interesting “pledge” model which allows backers to opt for a system that charges them each time new content appears on your YouTube channel. As we dig deeper into the weeds, though, there is a much bigger issue for anyone who is choosing to incorporate crowdfunding into their strategy, because choosing a platform is hardly a guarantee of success. It doesn’t even get you to Continue reading “Successful Crowdfunding Campaign Keys: Creating Buzz”

Crowdfunding For Filmmakers

Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Three’s A Crowd

Crowdfunding for filmmakers
A lot of crowdfunding sites want your campaign. Keep that in mind and choose wisely

Crowdfunding for filmmakers? It reminds me of something I heard once. Nobody drives in New York. There’s too much traffic.

Is there any better way to describe the built in conflict when it comes to crowdfunding in general, and Kickstarter in particular? The only reason not to engage in crowdfunding for filmmakers is that everyone is doing it. I recently saw a crowdfunding blog post about how this sourcing model can work in the real estate market. Oversaturation anyone?
However, the lure of quick funding by Continue reading “Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Three’s A Crowd”