Israel Travel Tips: Getting A Break… Whether You Want It Or Not

The final Israel travel tip

We’v covered a lot of ground in the past few mini-posts when it comes to Israel travel tips. We’ve talked about getting in, getting out, getting around and getting money. Now, for this last post, let’s talk about getting a break, because for at least one day a week, you need to know that this may be imposed upon you regardless of your intended travel itinerary.

I loved how, in the background of the city, as you can hear in clips like, you can hear the chants of the Sabbath and of people starting a day of observance from all corners of the city.  However, you need to know this is coming, and what you should do about it from the perspective of a traveler.

In general, the Israeli work week has a different rhythm than many other places around the

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Israel Travel tips: Tip #4, Getting Money

So far in this series of connected mini blog posts about travel tips for visiting Israel, we’ve tackled getting in, getting out and getting around. Let’s talk about different ways to handle money.

The main unit of Israeli currency is the New Israeli shekel (NS) and some denominations are dispersed in either bill or coin form, so you’ll need to pay attention to how you store it. The shekel also has fractional denominations called agora, also in coin form.

A picture of Israeli money
Handling money in Israel is a pretty simple process, although some denominations also come in coin form.

We need to talk about I.S. money also, and this will be a Continue reading “Israel Travel tips: Tip #4, Getting Money”

The Israel Travel Tips Series: 5 Tips You Need To Know

In the first part of this mini-series of travel tips for Israel, I talked about getting into the country, and what you need to know before you head to this part of the world. These are lessons I picked up while shooting The Palette Project and I can tell you as a filmmaker that planning is everything when it comes to saving time and stress.

Long liens at the Tel Aviv airport
Expect long line and a lot of scrutiny at the David Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv

Yes, what is probably on you mind is your Continue reading “The Israel Travel Tips Series: 5 Tips You Need To Know”

5 Israel Travel Tips To Make Your Trip A Success

Israel Travel Tips inhabit a world of their own. Making a trip to this part of the world seems to follow most of the basic rules of travel, but Israel travel tips often involve a little extra planning an awareness.

Israel travel tips, El Al plane arriving in Israel
Israel travel tips start at the airport. Getting in is complicated.

You’ve already done the hard part, getting your plans in place, and even for a country as small as Israel, this is no small feat. There is simply so much to see and do. If, for some reason, you’ve just thrown a dart at the map and picked this part of the world without knowing what to check out, I would refer you to this site, which has great advice for the top must-see spots. However, I’m assuming that most of your plans are already established at this point, and Continue reading “5 Israel Travel Tips To Make Your Trip A Success”