Crowdfunding for filmmakers. It’s a crowded space, and in the continuing quest for the best crowdfundign site for filmmakers, I can now report that I’ve landed on Patreon. Although I’m still early on in the process of evaluating how Patreon will fit in when it comes to my long term strategy, I want to tell you why I can give a tentative thumbs up to this site. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to crowdfunding for filmmakers who have numerous funding strategies working for them, it’s a good idea to choose Patreon.

Patreon bills itself as the world’s fastest growing crowdfunding site for creative artists and who are also creative professionals. As one of those creative types, I can tell you the site passes the smell test. It handles professionals’ needs in an efficient Continue reading “Crowdfunding For Filmmakers: Is Patreon The Answer?”